Epilation and mature skin!
What is mature skin?

Mature skin refers to the skin of those aged 40 and over. This type of skin may experience fine lines, wrinkles around various parts of the face or body, loosening or sagging, or loss of volume or fat in soft tissue.

To give you the tools to approach mature skin correctly during a waxing service, we have explained some of the most important characteristics of mature skin so that you can approach your waxes with care and confidence:⬇⬇

aridity (skin more fragile for waxing, dry and brittle hairs prone to breakage and consequently a breeding ground for ingrown hairs)

sensitivity (dry skin can be very prone to high sensitivity, making it at risk of irritation and damage such as skin lifting)

Less elasticity (as the skin becomes more mature, it loses elasticity and therefore needs to be ‘held’ taut during application and removal-> to avoid bruising).

Can a mature subject be waxed on, then?


The client must pay attention and follow our advice:

  • Regular exfoliation
  • Moisturising and massaging in the morning and evening
  • Cream or oil cleansers instead of foaming soaps
  • Cooled tea or chamomile tea to tone the skin and make it firmer

But let’s get down to business.

How to remove wax from mature leather⬇

  • Optimal wax temperature to avoid injury✨
  • Always keep the skin taut and in traction with the hand that is not removing or spreading the wax✨
  • Always follow all pre and post epilation protocol✨
  • Better a Brazilian wax than a classic liposoluble wax✨

Always offer clients with mature skin a little extra pampering to give them a more relaxing and effective experience.🌟

Having knowledge on how to treat multiple skin types will make you a true professional, making you even more of a beauty consultant, clients will trust you and that will be beautiful👌🔝
